We are a Strategic Design Consultancy with a unique offer: we have the design skills of an Agency combined with the tech capability of a Consultancy.
Since we launched in 2016 we’ve grown organically. We now have more than 100 SPARCKies across the UK and around the world, from a variety of backgrounds. Our creatives and technologists work hand in hand and we have a common, design-thinking method that moves problems or ideas rapidly through design, test, prototype and deliver.
We continue to grow and have a mission to help clients in that sweet spot, where creativity meets technology and business.
We have worked with a variety of clients across sectors: we've invented new AI based products and services for financial clients, we've designed and built new Government Services, we've helped invent new businesses and we've done it quickly and efficiently!
If you'd like to know how we can help you, please get in touch - our services can start from a little as a week-long Design Sprint, where we work with you to design, prototype and test out new ideas, solve problems or set your strategy.